• Question: If you collide two particles going at a very high speed, is it true it would create Anti-Matter?

    Asked by falkonking5 to Carla, Madgie, Nick, Vicky, Werner on 9 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Carla Turner

      Carla Turner answered on 9 Nov 2013:

      Sorry I don’t know enough about physics!

    • Photo: Werner Muller

      Werner Muller answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      I would like to move this question to the Particle Physics Zone but do not know how to do it. May be someone of the admin group can help.

    • Photo: Nick Groves-Kirkby

      Nick Groves-Kirkby answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      Wow. I had to look this one up.

      Apparently the answer is yes! This kind of thing happens in particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Smashing particles together generates tiny amounts of antimatter, which disappears almost instantly. Physicists get very excited about this kind of thing.

      I’m a biologist. It sounds like magic to me!
