• Question: If you had to take one GCSE science subject that would be what you'd do for the rest of your life, what would it be and what inspired you to chose that?

    Asked by sirisyisacc to Werner, Carla on 9 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Carla Turner

      Carla Turner answered on 9 Nov 2013:

      For the rest of my life?! Wow that is quite a commitment!

      I would choose physics as I am not good at it and hopefully after a lifetime of learning it I would understand it and get an A 🙂

    • Photo: Werner Muller

      Werner Muller answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Most likely chemistry, or rather biochemistry. This subject describes the building bl0cks of life, very important enzyme reactions like how we use oxygen and how plants generate oxygen for example (and they also use oxygen by the way…)
