• Question: is there a drug that can increase melatonin levels? a hormone which is produced in the brain and mops up free radical cells which then decreases your chance of delevloping cancer.

    Asked by wiseowldunnemiaow to Werner, Vicky, Nick, Carla, Madgie on 14 Nov 2013. This question was also asked by spetsnaz121.
    • Photo: Werner Muller

      Werner Muller answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      I am not so sure about the line of arguments you make. But I am sure Vicky can comment.

    • Photo: Marlene Lorgen

      Marlene Lorgen answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      I’m afraid I don’t know much about melatonin in regards to free radicals. However, MT is also the hormone which regulates our sleep/wake cycle, with high levels during the dark and low levels during light hours. The high levels of MT at night make us drowsy and suppress things like appetite and the need to go to the bathroom.

    • Photo: Nick Groves-Kirkby

      Nick Groves-Kirkby answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      I also don’t know much about this, but I guess the obvious answer is that you can increase your melatonin levels by taking … melatonin!

      You can take the hormone itself. I think it’s harder to get in the UK, but it’s easily available in the USA. People who fly a lot use it to help them overcome jet lag.

      I’ll leave Vicky to comment on the cancer angle, but it’s well known that people who have odd sleep/wake patterns (like night shift workers) have a higher risk of health problems including diabetes and cancer. This might be linked to their melatonin levels, but I don’t know for sure!
