• Question: What is the most interesting thing about atlantic salmon?

    Asked by squidderboii to Madgie on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Marlene Lorgen

      Marlene Lorgen answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Great question! There are 2 things that I find really interesting about Atlantic salmon.

      (1) All the salmon living in the same stream will adapt to survive in seawater and migrate to the sea at one time. They probably do this to reduce the risk of being eaten by bigger things in the sea! I am trying to find out how they all know that it is time to change to be ready to leve the stream!

      (2) After living in the sea for 1 or a few years, adult salmon can migrate thousands of miles back to the very same stream they were born in, without a map!!! It is thought that they may use smell or even the planet’s gravity fields to navigate their way back. Pretty amazing!
