• Question: what was it that you where most intrested in when you were doing bioglagy at school?

    Asked by izzyturner to Werner, Carla, Madgie, Nick, Vicky on 9 Nov 2013. This question was also asked by katieainscough1.
    • Photo: Carla Turner

      Carla Turner answered on 9 Nov 2013:

      I began loving plants when I was taught what a rough time they have and how amazingly they deal with it. Because they can’t move they have to be able to change to the environment. For something that looks like it does nothing, in fact they have hormones, can change how they grow, both above and below ground and have amazing moving cells that can open or close in different weather!

    • Photo: Vicky Forster

      Vicky Forster answered on 9 Nov 2013:

      I really liked anything to do with people and what makes us all different. What makes some people have blue eyes, some people have dark skin – and why some people get ill and some don’t. This is mostly to do with genetics – which is how changes in DNA between people make us all so vastly different. Genetics can do some crazy things – for example, most people have two eyes the same colour – but very rarely people can have one brown eye and one blue eye for example. We know why this happens now because people have studied genetics – I think its really important for students to do lots of genetics at school so they can understand more about what makes us different.

    • Photo: Werner Muller

      Werner Muller answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      I liked to look under the microscope and watch what was in the pond water. I most liked a single cell organism called paramecia. We call them “Pantoffeltierchen” in German. The direct translation could be “small slipper animal”, because of its shape. They are very active under the microscope, feed on small organism like bacteria. I was particular fascinated on the idea that this small creature divides in order to multiply and one of the question was, how old does an “Pantoffeltierchen” gets?

    • Photo: Nick Groves-Kirkby

      Nick Groves-Kirkby answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Like Vicky, I was interested in things that were related to people. It’s why I’ve ended up working in genetics, as our genes are one of the closest things we have to a ‘recipe’ for being human.

      But biology also underlies many other things that are important to people: where our food comes from; how we get sick; how we communicate; and why we develop emotions. I find these issues really interesting.

    • Photo: Marlene Lorgen

      Marlene Lorgen answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      I was interested in DNA and genetics during biology. It is amazing to me that a stucture consisting of only 4 different nucleotides can generate so many different looking organisms.
